The reason why I am writing in English because I know some friends of mine who are come from other countries might check this blog ... so this is for them.. cause i got something to tell them though... 

Sorry for the bad writing ..I never good at writing though..bra bra... sorry !! 

Well my points are ... I am really thankful for anyone who has been around me in SF for freaking 5 years.. or some new friends who are treating me as best friends.. or real friends ....whatever it is .. They are my best & sweet friends. 

Can't belive that I have been in U.S. for freaking ****** 5 years though.. well I guess that I gonna stay here longer than this.. I have plan to go back to my country in 3 years though.. 
So sorry for my friends in Taiwan, sorry for my family in Taiwan... sorry for everyone who cares about me in Taiwan.. but this is my life and i think this is the only chance that I can be here ......and I have made my mind though.

I know that if I go back to Taiwan right now...I may be field.. I am not me anymore.. 

Actually be honest.. I never ever really like this country named United States.. well finally I find a place named New York ..
I know there is where i belong ... 

Here ..SF.. I love something too ...but my friends are all going to their way soon... 

I am so happy that you guys are all around me .. makes me feeling like here is HOME.. 

I am so glad there are more friends ... in SF.. 

Cause of you guys.. makes me has an excuse to be in SF... 

Someday .. I know we are gonna leave apart.. but we are friends ever.. 
Someday.. I gonna be in JAPAN and speak Fluent Japense with you guys.. Hope there is day coming soon.. 
Someday ..We are all gonna meet in Somewhere of the world... Japan, Taiwan, U.S., ...
There must be somewhere where we can have fun together though.. 

I love you all ...
Some how ..i got this feeling going on... 
Friends Sick..?! 
Could be ...

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