Today I have a thought.. since the weather has changed again tonight.. 
It was warm during night time in the past two days though...but tonight is quite cold. 

The thought.. 
After I saw this picture.. it gives me a though.. which is " where is my another one ( in Chinese 另一半)" 
I have been Single for like a year and something ...God!! I can't belive that it's been that long since I broke up with " the one" ... Actually the feeling has changed ..it isn't that hard for me anymore. I am like Peace now.. 

These days some people start talk about Happiness .. maybe the winter is coming.. people need one..however it is quite hard for me to have one, one of reasons is that I am picky.. 
Another reason is I haven't met the one yet.. so I am still waiting .. or maybe there is some other reasons such as busy with reaching my dream.. too much things to think about now .. 

Love ..isn't the right thing to think about right now. 

This pics ..is really Heart Warming somehow for me.. 
Just a thought... 

Night ..!!! 

It's good for me to start writing in Englsih because i can practice about it since I am really bad at writing in English.. 
It's a good chance for me to start practing about it .. 

I am trying to think though things in English not Chinese and not ever Japanese as well.

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