Hello Wonderful 2007:

Can't Belived ..I can't belive that 2007 is going to finsih in few days .... actually 4 days .. 
This year ..2007 
I have had a lot of fun ..a lot of tears ..a lot of sweet time..a lot of unforgetable memory...meeting new friends.. 
God ..
This year has been the most wondful year in my life so far. 

I have taken two trips in this year.. where is New York / Boston .. 
I have studied hard for my final and I think that I have done my best 
I have thought a lot of things through and now I know where I should go for my future.. cause I got my plan...which is on progress now. 
I learned the lesson .. I know that I still need to work on myself.. like being matural ..being independent ...being storng.. 
Being control myself..Being thinking someone else before thinking of me ... Being a happiness giver. 

Yes.. your happnienss is my happnieness.. 

I belived it and I have done it .. well actually said it .. 

Still there are something that I still can not go though but I am trying to go through things by myslef.. even though it is hard to do it by myself but I will ...it is my challenging .. 

Next year.. 

A new life ..new friends..maybe a new lover...( new relationship) ..a new plan...a new school...a new full time&part time job...a new apartment ...a new location..
everything is gonna be brand new .....
I am so looking forward to see how it goes with my future..I will make my dreams come true.. I will 

Love & Peace 
Best Regard 


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