Finally Finally ...My Lover comes to me ..Well Actually I bought my lover eventually !! 

Yes Yes.. 

Today is the biggest sale day in U.S.A. so I decided to go to shopping with my friend... 
Today my mission is to getting a wallet for me .. A Gucci Wallet, the wallet that I have been dreaming for a month...

Now it is on my hand ...can't belive it .. 
Actually there are some accidents happened today.. I was still confused about which brand is more cut out for me ..
so I went to YSL first .. I saw one which is on sale and it cost only $ 160 ..what the wonderful price...I was gonna getting it ..but I still can't dump my Lover " Mr. Gucci" so I eventually went to Gucci shop..then finally made my mind to buy it !! 


One more.. pic ..say Gucciiiiii..

B/F I opened it .. is nice to have it ...

Happy Life ...Sooner or Later ...I am getting another one.. YSL seems nice... 
God..Too hurry to think about the next one.. even though I just bought one ..but I am wallet addictor ... 

In the last 4 days .... of 2007 

Everyone ...

Happy New Year.. 

Tomorrow ..I gonna go back to my sweet home. 
Friends...I am almost there.. 

Finally you go my pics for today 12/26 

thank you my friend !! Nice to have you in my 2007 life !! 
  We bought a lot ...that's for sure..

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