Honey : I Do   
Did you hear me ?

hope you did ...because this is truth of my heart ! 
In all the sudden that you asked me to live my life and you will walk away fromSmy life. 
I cried so hard to ask you back and you did 
You did but in the same time, I am not sure about if love is still exisit between us. 
I wanted to make sure if there is love in this world and make sure love is exisit 

I went to watch Sex and the City again and I felt love ....I belived that people are deserved to have love ... 
I belived that there is farytail story in the world ... a man and a woman will be happnines ever after ... 
Now I do ..however there is something unceratin feeling in my heart.... 
I wanted to make sure that if you are there for me ..still there for me .. 

這幾天發生ㄌ好多事情 雖然吵架過後 你告訴我 You still sure that you love me.. 
但是我卻開始不確定這一段感情 不知道 我是不是真ㄉ很喜歡他 還是怕再自己一ㄍ人!!
我決定要忘掉過去 決定要把過去一切ㄉ一切 全部丟掉!! 全部拋在腦後 
這樣我才能用全新ㄉ自己去面對這一段感情 去面對新ㄉ他

So Honey.. Let's have happiness ever after !!


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