我最近開始Upload my resume..and started with HotJob, Craglist, and Chinese 星島日報 Job Makreting..
很幸運的是 我有幾個回應我 都是Entry Level 
我本來就想要從Entry Level..開始打基礎 所以這算是一ㄍ好的開始吧 
我會一ㄍ一ㄍ慢慢回 然後開始我的Interview path..
很緊張 但是這是必經的過程 ..不然ㄉ話怎摩工作勒!!! 

而且我想要Quit my Goemon Part Time Job...cause it is such a westing time.. 
I can't do nothing with it ..paid less and work hard ?? Doesn't make any sence... 
Anyway.. I got to focus on my career path.. this is what he told me ...
We are getting better and better and found easy to get alone with each other... 
很幸運ㄉ是 我可以跟他在一起...

不只美國ㄉ網站 我也開始在台灣ㄉ111人力銀行開始Upload 自己ㄉ資料
Kind of Back Up ...雖然真ㄉ很想待在美國 但是如果台灣有好ㄉ工作 我也想要試試看

最近又會開始忙碌ㄌ...跟朋友ㄉ見面機會少ㄌ 不過感覺自己ㄉ生活過ㄉ很充實..
畢竟現在是很重要ㄉ時刻 My School, Visa, and Job Hunting..That's all.. 

Sorry my friends..I really need to focus on my carrer path & School work.. now.. 
No more party , hanging around... but coffee sometimes.. 
Hope still keep in touch ...I love you all !!

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