Last Night, I send out my first resume  ... to CFN..  which is 留学生も転職者も、国際派のキャリアを探すなら
It is a good chance to work with Japanese & American as well cause this is offer for someone who is 
Japanese & English Billiguals but I am not even one of them... ha.. but I found something interesting job for myself.. 
Some companies still looking for someone who is able to speak Japnese : Conversational Level , Mandarin: Native Level... isn't it good for me???????!!!!!!!!!!! , English: Business Level ..It is abosutly the job for me.. 
On the other hand, I have to send out my English Resume & Japanese Resume but I did one of them already.. then I answered the screen question in Englsih then.. Everything seems go well I may be have chance to get the chance to interview with them.. hopely.. !!! 

Well I am kinda exciting though ......for searching the job.. In NYC & Japan !!! 
If I work either one.. NYC..I can still work with my dream in the mean time ...
If I work in Japan.. I can take care of my family in the same time ..cause my family always have business trip in Japan.. I can meet them often though.. 

Hmm.. Not only looking for the job by CFN ...cause it is slim of chances that I can work in Japanese Company since I can't speak Conversational Japanese not even Business Level Japanese... 
In this case, I tell myself...this year ..I have to work on my Japnese more.. with speaking, writing, reading and listening as well.... Hmm.. a lot of ageda that I have to focus on ... if I wanna reach my dream.. especially I am graudating in Summer 2008 ... I got to start finding job by now.. 

While I am searching for the job..I found out how 厳しい the job .... it isn't that easy though.. so I have to try as much as I can for my future.. cause there is nothing that I can look back though.. since I am freaking 24 years old now.. 25 years old will be my bottom line for me though... 

I also started finding the job from NYC Job Posting... and started with Advertising & PR & Marketing.. b/c that is what I am learning right now.. 
Speak to fashion industry.. I still have passion with it but I wanna start something which are the things that I can handle with the knowledge that I got from school....and building up my experience.. 
Almost every company require for the experience... espeically the job ...from NYC .. 
Hmm...Tough..since I don't have really Full Time Job experience... it's tough Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... 

I hope it isn't too late for me though.. 
Still long way to go... espeically Japanese...
I will do my best.. 

Stop thinking something else but my school and future... No more playing around.. No more ...other thinking.. 
Now Claire's Power is ON ....


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