Halloween is coming ... ususally we have huge party... but not anymore.. around my crew.. 
We are just busy with what we have to do for our life.. such as MIdterm... 
But I have great time last weekend.. I went to CASTRO ( Huge Community of Gay People) 
One of club.. I didn't wear costum.. just a Clubing dress... 

Well It iwas fun.. we had couple shots ... couple apple martine....and beer... 
After all ...2 am.. everything closed On Time..as usuall....... nothing fun after 2 am... unless you got the home party...!!! 

Well but not this time.. 

My point is ...2 years ago.. I had fun on Halloween... 

好害羞..好久以前ㄉ照片喔...So Embrassing... it's long time ago ...Claire... 
but it was the most wonderful year ever for me though... 

Well.. Finally my Finanical Crisis is gone !!! Last weekend I worked whole weekend though.. from Friday though Sunday... tought ..tired ..but worth it.. I got to experience it cause it's all my falut ...
Now everything back to the balance.. and I got the ticket to go back to Taiwan !!! Yeah !!!
This time I don't take either EVA or China Airline but JAL 

Kinda exciting though cause i never taken long distance fright with Japanese airline ...it's gonna be great.. 
Ha... I really expect to have Japanese food in the air ... ha.. 
Can't wait.. and suprisly ... JAL ticket is cheaper than China and EVA airline.. wirld.. but I have to transfer from Narita to Taipei.. maybe I can drop by Tokyo though.. it's gonna be great.. hopely .. 

Finally Happy Halloween ...everyone ..


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