Well Today I have only A Class which is ENGL 120 ( Business writing) 
I was kinda late to the class cause I was doing something else.. which ment a lot for me... 
I will tell you guys later...What I was doing though.. 

The fact is ..After I arrived class, teacher said: sorry everyone but I am sick today...I can't even talk outloud so...today I am only collecting your paper and then you guys are feel free to go then.. 

So I got the free time to looking around down town and shopping a bit.. actually window shopping the most.
I and my classmate decided to go to Gucci.. cause we just passed by .. 
Right after I got in there...the nightmare has started.. I can't stop looking at the Gucci Wallet.. espeically the classic one.. 
Someone ..I saw the Jeweral section...hmm..it reminds me something with someone who loves Gucci a lot.. ( if you are reading my daily. you know the person is you) 

Well my point is ..Jewrel..I can't afford it ...the one that i love costs $1400 which is the chepest one.. Well..maybe another time.. 
Then ..I walked by the wallet section.. the sellers really being helpful..cause he tells us the price with everything that we are interesting in .. then I found the one.. and I know it is going to be my future wallet in two months. 

That is a long wallet.. with bege color ..and the Gucci logo..which is classic... 
Hmmm..and it costs only $ 375 hmm...it;s a good price though.. I really want to getting it.. though.. 

Hmm. kInda tired of my Burberry wallet.. it's time to UP GRADE my wallet ..since I am turning 25 ..is that a good reason to gettting a new wallet..??? 

take a look of it. 

這是我ㄉ愛用Wallet For Now.. 

再來..是我ㄉUP GRADE one.. 

This is the one that i saw today but with Bege color.. 
Isn't it looks classic..??? 

God I am falling in love with Gucci.. actually since long time ago..but it's just way to expensive for me to afford though..

Hmm..also Nowadays I have to get one New Camara...hmm...it's gonna be lots of money.. 
but I want this and that...


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