I am scary.. I am confusing, I am anxious.. 
Everything comes at once though...

Nowadays I am working so hard to look for an internship, a full time job in NYC, a finished degree... 
Actually I am settling down right now.. however settling is so hard work though...
Too much things happen right now.. right this moment.. 
The presure.. coming from everywhere.. not only the family expectation, personal expectation, dream, goal.... 
I am matentaly exhausted...need a break ...but no time for break......

I am scary... cause I am still unsure about everything.. the decision.. for Love, Job, Dream, Goal...
God..I got a lot of agedenda to do in a day...but so far..I can't finsih even one thing... so far ....looking for an internship.. 

Right now, I am seeking for looking an PR/Mareketing Internship ....Hopely I could find a one.. cause  I am sending out many companies which are looking for marketing/PR interns.... I tried ..!!

Sometimes...I hate myself have too much expectation to myself.. cause I have no time to play around.. cause I have to done something this year.. I got to finish everything before i headed to NYC... 

Hmm.. Anxious.. even though I already had a plan in my mind... but ..somehow.. Home Sick..Ha.. 
Sounds redicuious... cause it shouldn't happen right now.. right this moment. 

But ...I really got no time.. 24 years old.. I am scare of 25 years old....... 
I need to done things before i hit 25 years old... 

Go Go.. Be tougher.. Be tougher.. but ....even though I kept saying that to myself ..the body seems not working so well with my mental.. 

My friend got two job offered already so what I am waitng for.????!!! 
I have been here for freaking 5 years though.. i should have gotten used to with every challenging.. 
But ..Keep pushing myself is a good thing??? 

Today I finally print out the pics which we were taken a year ago... 
Somehow.. tears out.. 
Somehow ...tears can't stop... 

How are you???? 
I am wondering.. 

Struggling ..Struggling...

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