LAST NIGHT.. was great.. 
I met lots of friends who I haven't met for long time... It was great to meet you guys.. 
Next year.. Lots of people are going to have a new life in a new city.. although so do I but .... it is going to take place by Sep. Before that .. some friends of mine are gone. 

Well ..Last night we have had lots of foods.. 
LIke Great Roast Chicken ( My favorite) 
LIke Great Roast Beef 
LIke Great Mashed Potato 
LIke Great Pasata.. and lots of lots of drink...and Spainish Cocktails... 

Food are awesome..!!!!! Can't say no more... 

About 11 something pm.. I got a strange phone call...suprisly it is calling from the theif??!!! 
I am not sure about the person wether he is theif or not ..but the person said.. I am going to return your phone.. 
Let's meet.. 
I went there with bunch friends of mine.. Hmm..Finally I got my favorite phone back but with nothing on it.. 
My cellphone stripes are gone.. the favorite.. one.. 

There is nothing left but the cellphone.. 
Finally I feel like ... at least.. I have something back .. but ... somehow still down... 

The most important thing... my HEART cellphone stripe from Him... 
is gone... is not gonna come back to me.. 

but but at least I got my phone back ...

my friends kept saying.. better than nothing.. so now ..I don't need to buy I-phone Anymore.. 
All I need is Wallet & I-pod Nano..( no more I-Pod) ... 
It is better cause I don't need to spend more money on it ... and I can still using my cellphone.. 

I-phone ..I don't need it now.. at least i have my favorite phone back.. my whole life is about that .. ha. 
Maybe in the near future when I move to NYC and getting my first own salary.. then I will concern to get one.. but so far.. 
I have satisfied with my phone .....

Next Month.. I am getting my wallet ... and I-pod nano.. so ... Hmm..
My life is settling .. now.. 

What the good present on Thanxgiving.. The wonderful gift on Thanxgiving.!!!

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