After ThanxGiving..then here you come X'mas 

Take a look of it .. SF's X'mas.. in Union Square.. Actually every year, they are displaying the same stuff...but with different feeling...when I was being with someone.
Hmm..Another Single X'mas ... Hmm...Kinda 寂びしい!
Well Especially Nov....... what the mass up ... 
I got too much issues going drove me nuts, and crazy.. but everything has settling down though..

I don't care anymore about single or not ..this year ... cause I am going back to my sweet home town. besides.. 
I have an early X'mas present for myself.. which is 桃紅色 I-Pod Nano !!! Hot Pink !!! 

Take a look of it .. Say Pink...!!!!

I am trying to be a good seller.. if you are going to buy I-pod Nana...Hot Pink will be the best choice though.. 
Cause somehow the color looks like Red but Pink....somehow.. 

I love it !!!! It suddendly become my plus one !!!

Later ....Next Month... Gucci.. .Wallet ... will be 入荷!!! 
I am so looking forward my Dec !!! It's gonna be whole new world.. my new I-pod nano wallet.. new .........something else.. 
I believe that next year will be better..much better.. cause ..
I have learned a lot ...this year.. 
Next year will be my hardest year but with the most powerful enegy ...

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